Sunday, June 14, 2009

Web Page Monitoring: Be The First To Know About Web Content Changes

A wealth of content is available on the Web. With the aid of the dominant search engines like Google, or Yahoo, many an Internet user has mastered content discovery. Not surprisingly however, keeping up-to-date with constantly changing content is quite a challenge for most Internet users. But not for those that use Sure there are "RSS feeds" and many web sites today offer proprietary update notification services, but not everyone wants to deal with complicated web technology such as RSS or yet another content change notification service that is specific to a particular website. Besides not every web site is deployed with an RSS feed. Furthermore most on-site content change notification services are controlled by the webmaster which means less choice for Internet users. These days, everyone can name their favorite web site and most Internet users are completely comfortable using an e-mail service. RSS technology is still not widely adopted and/or understood. In addition, most on-site update notification offerings are firmly under the control of the website owner's webmaster. Power in the hands of only the site's webmaster often translates into fewer options for the casual Internet user. As such, most Internet users demand a simple means of tracking the "hidden" web, which is often times considered valuable content accessible only after entering a username and password.
Similarly, many corporate users have a business need for website change notification including monitoring sensitive content for any web-enabled content up to and including (1) new marketing announcements for a competitor, (2) the latest industry news and/or (3) joint venture partnerships between competitors.
Timely business information about an organization comes easily to insiders but those on the outside want and need much of the same information as insiders. In both cases, the information delivery must also be in as timely a manner as possible. However the typical goals and directives given to a webmaster are not likely to be harmonious with the business needs of organizational "outsiders" who demand an easy solution to monitor changes specific to certain areas of the webmaster's public website. Internet users value a centralized web page monitoring solution with update change notifications. This is best delivered as a hosted solution.

How Web Page Monitoring Works
Web Page Monitoring Defined: Web Page Monitoring is an Internet service that saves a user's favorite web pages, regularlly monitors them for changes and sends an e-mail alert with the actual changes included in the notification.
There are two main approaches taken by web page monitoring vendors.
* Download software
* Online web services
Of the two web page monitoring delivery channels, online web page monitoring services are far superior because there is nothing to download and new features can easily be added to the service in real time.
Also, having to download and then install software onto a laptop or workstation can also be a very serious virus risk. Most large corporations have implemented stringent policies against installing unknown and/or unproven software onto their mobile devices and computer networks.
With online web page monitoring, you also do not have to take extra steps to download software "patches" and security updates. Because there is no such thing with an online web service...
Monitor Web Pages for Changes
Benefits of Web Page Monitoring Services

Top 10 reasons why savvy Internet users use web page monitoring
1. Be the first to know about relevant content changes to the web content that interests you the most
2. Automatically, track any web-enabled content for updates
3. Monitor high value content hidden behind password protected web pages
4. Track changes to dynamic web searches and HTML forms
5. Use custom cookies to further unlock the hidden web to content monitoring
6. Avoid computer viruses because there is nothing to download when you use a web service
7. Monitor sensitive content such as a competitor's website, press releases or online price changes -- all done confidentially and privately from the web page monitoring service's (anonymous third-party) proxy servers
8. Leverage a unique, self-healing technical implementation for proactive web page change tracking that consistently delivers results that other services are unable to match
9. Collaborate with content monitoring experts offering premium web page monitoring services
10. Work anywhere as you work online...

Is Web Page Monitoring Right For You?
Web users just like you use web page monitoring services to track their favorite web-enabled content for changes.
* Sales Professionals
* Business Executives
* Intellectual Property Attorneys
* Newsletter Publishers
* Librarians and Information Researchers
* Software Developers
* Software Buyers
* Message Board Subscribers
* Job Seekers

ADVANCED TIP: The best web page monitoring solution features content changes with color coded highlighting, in red and green. Red is used for removed content while green is used for recently added content.
Most popular web page monitoring solution:
by : Janice

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